Houston Parks and Recreation Department - COVID-19 Operational Procedures for Golf
As HPARD facilities and programs reopen in phases by categories, the Department will implement a standard set of operational guidelines to minimize risk associated with CODVID 19. All facilities, equipment, and supplies will go through a sanitization process before, during, and after opening. Also, as social distancing restrictions are adjusted program modifications will be made as well. We considered guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), and affiliated organizations while coming up with specific plans for each facility and program area.
Facility and Program Guidelines:
Sanitize all high touch areas in the facility before, during, and after use
Limit facility attendance to allow safe social distancing
Ensure that adequate supplies for sanitation and safety of employees are provided
Post awareness signs and printed materials throughout the facility
Remind staff that are sick to stay at home
Continue to educate employees on guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Close or limited access to restrooms and water fountains
Staff continue to wear masks and reinforce the social distancing guidelines of 6’ distance and avoid personal contact of any kind (for example, no shaking hands).
Golf Operations:
Open Courses based on CDC, City, NRPA, and PGA guidelines
Maintain at least 6’ distancing between playing partners and golf course staff at all times.
Painter’s tape and one-way traffic for spacing in Pro Shop
Plexiglass barriers at counter and starter station.
Recommend customers pay using credit/debit cards for all transactions to limit the exchange of cash
No refunds or returns on Pro Shop merchandise.
Bulk merchandise removed from counters.
Starters viewing, but not touching customer receipts.
Bulk scorecards/pencils removed from counters (Scorecards issued upon request, supply your own pencil)
Increased tee time intervals to 10 minutes.
Maximum 4 players in a group.
Single player/rider per cart, unless residing in the same household.
Extra effort is being taken to sanitize riding and push carts, but please supplement sanitizing with your own disinfectants.
Also, for the safety of staff, please remove all trash from carts after use.
Removed from services-cart keys, sand containers, water coolers/fountains, ball washers, bunker rakes, bag stands, and putting green pins.
Putting green/on-course cups modified to prevent touching.
Range balls washed with bleach, and bag/baskets disinfected prior to each use.
Rental clubs are cleaned and disinfected after each use.
While on the course, we do recommend leaving the flagstick in, not sharing clubs, and abandon the traditional post-round handshake.
Diligently investigating on-line payment options.
Need enough staff and cleaning/sanitization supplies to operate safely and efficiently. (Disinfectant Spray/Disinfectant Wipes/Hand Soap/Hand Sanitizer/Bleach/Gloves/Masks).
Post info/signs throughout the facility and on carts.
Pre-prepared Box Lunches and packaged snacks are available for pickup/carryout (Coordinate with Becks Prime and Princes).